今日の一問 英語(福岡県・改)



次のAとBとの対話が成り立つように、________ に最もよくあてはまるものを、ア~エから一つ選びなさい。

A: What time does the city festival in the park start ?
B: At 9:00. We still have 30 minutes.
A: Do you think we have to take a bus ?
B: ________ We can walk to the park.

ア Yes. We should take it. イ Yes. We must get off.
ウ No. We don't have to do that. エ No. We haven't gotten there yet.












「don't have to ~(~する必要はない)」→「need not ~」の書き換えもできるようにしておこう。



 - ★☆☆(基本問題)